Want Perfectly Exposed Digital Photos? Here’s the Secret Formula

Using the Exposure Triangle for Correct Exposure I’m writing this as a follow up to my Tips and Tricks for New Photographers post from a couple of weeks ago. In that post I briefly mentioned the exposure triangle and thought it deserves a more detailed explanation. When I first started using my DSRL camera I… Continue reading Want Perfectly Exposed Digital Photos? Here’s the Secret Formula

Digital Photography Basics: Tips and Tricks for New Photographers

Being an aspiring photographer, I remember how not so long ago, after buying my first DSLR, I was scouring the internet for digital photography tutorials and information so that I could jump right in and start taking amazing digital photographs. I thought I could read a few articles and, poof!, I would be a photographer. I… Continue reading Digital Photography Basics: Tips and Tricks for New Photographers

What a Great Vintage Polaroid Find!

I found this awesome vintage Polaroid Sun600 LMS camera today in the back of an old cabinet. It was my father-in-law’s camera that he brought with him every time he came to visit us when my daughter was a baby (sixteen years ago). He passed away when she was three so this old camera has… Continue reading What a Great Vintage Polaroid Find!

What sparked my passion for photography

My passion for photography started as a tween when my friends and I would put on makeup (lots of it) and take each others’ pictures. Here are a few of the classics. As you can see, we were terrible photographers in middle school! The photo in the middle is best but my friend’s took it. I… Continue reading What sparked my passion for photography

December One Four Challenge – Week One

Well I’ve made a liar out of myself after just one blog post. I had said that my next post would be about the portrait of my daughter and how I edited the photo in Adobe Lightroom to correct blemishes and enhance her eyes. But I’m new to the blogosphere and right after I posted… Continue reading December One Four Challenge – Week One